Our Spring Break get-a-way to California was loads of fun and relaxation. We started off the vacation by spending a day at Disneyland/California Adventure. I didn't carry the camera into the theme park so I could give my full attention to the kids and just be with them and have fun. I was glad I made that choice until the sun started to go down and I saw (in my mind) what could have been some amazing shots of all the beautiful lights and motion that comes only from night photography.
Oh well, next time! The kids loved having all my attention.
A couple pics taken at the hotel before heading to the theme park for the day. My little one is trying to be supportive but her eyes are way to sensitive to the sun. Thanks for trying Brit!
Waiting in line for one of the rides.
My sister snapped a couple shots with her camera. I have come to the conclusion that there will always be at least one in our family who will make a "face". Sometimes unintentional (Mr. B.T.C frowning cause the camera is pointed at him) but usually its intentional like this. Nice one Nathan... you little stinker! After a day of fun we hit the road again and headed to Mandalay Beach located in Oxnard, California. I have never been to this beach before. It's not like the other beaches we've been to.
This one is very quiet and relaxing.
This is where we stayed. You feel that you have the entire beach to yourself. It was very nice.
We settled in.We spent time at the pool
We played with cousins. We played catch (in the pool).
Although we enjoyed the quiet setting of Mandalay Beach we decided it was time for a little action and entertainment so we took a day trip to Venice Beach.
Everywhere you turn you see bright colors. I love it!
If you've never been to Venice the next few pics will give you a good idea what it looks like and what it's all about.
The streets are laced with vendors and people.
Looks like someones trying to pass a few new rules...
I don't think this guy read the yellow sign.
We snacked.
We played.
We bonded.
Some of us made our way through the crowd a little faster than others.
We laughed.
We blended in.
We walked and walked and walked some more...
We were entertained.
You'll See this guy a few times. The kids thought he was hilarious. Everytime you would run into this guy he'd be in a new costume.
We saw this band last year and they're still performing at the same spot.
Here's that guy again. The kids join in and dance with him. Mr. B.T.C found himself on stage ( against his will). Poor guy had to do a little entertaining after recently having surgery. He was a good sport though! Some of the performers were stunning. We watched in Ahhh.
It's amazing what some of these people can accomplish with very little tools in their hand.
Of all the people stretched out for miles this guy impressed me the most. I was fascinated at what he could do with his little box of paint brushes and a canvas.
Picture opportunities were endless...
This one probably isn't the most appropriate but it did make me laugh out loud. We shopped.
The boys shopped too!
We hung out at this booth for awhile...
So the girls could try on each pair.
The kids were given a little money and told to pick one thing(remember THIS same dilemma last year). This was a challenge because they had so much to chose from.
It was really hard until they spotted this guy.
This is what he could do...
And this is what he did for them. I loved watching him create!
It was so fun to mingle with all those people but we were ready to head back to the quietness of Mandalay beach.
Finding treasures on the beach makes the girls smile.
This one was Brit's favorite... a crab arm?!? There were many others to add to her collection. This was Bree's favorite.
My favorite was walking the beach with my girls and my sister.
I loved this SOOC shot. It looks so peaceful. You'll go far in life. Dream big Brit!
This was the view from our balcony.
A few more close ups just because... I love vacationing as a family. We have so much fun together! It's great to get out and see the world and be among people. We learn so much.


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