We lost thousands of dollars within minutes. No not in Vegas last weekend but in our own home Thursday late afternoon.

We were headed to the lake for one last wake board run this season. As we were launching the boat, B.T.C. received a call on his cell phone from a female agent asking if she could show the house. It seemed routine enough so we agreed.

We returned home to find that the front door had been left unlocked. UNUSUAL so B.T.C. called the realtor back to inquire. NO RESPONSE!

We woke up Friday morning and realized that an envelope full of cash was missing. B.T.C. once again called the number back. NO RESPONSE!

Reality struck as I went to put on my wedding rings (My original and my new one that B.T.C. bought me this year for our 15th anniversary). They were missing. We had been burglarized! I began to search the house and look for valuables and wasn't surprised to find that they were all missing.

My cash box that I keep my tithing, spending$ etc. had been emptied. All of these valuables were in different locations in the home.

These fake home buyers /agents are experienced. They know what they are looking for. They only took what was most valuable.

As I was handing my list of stolen items to the officer assigned to this call I thought boy if they find these thieves I would like to ......and then......and finally... yes, you read my mind...pray for them. JK unfortunately that one didn't even cross my mind.

I learned the hard way and wanted to pass on a word of caution to those of you selling your home:

If you receive a call from 623-217-8256 BE WARE!

Call the company of the agent to verify before letting them show your home.

Put valuables in a secure place (behind closed cabinet or a drawer is not enough).

Don't leave your home when it is being shown or make sure Y
OUR real estate agent is present.

If you know someone who is selling their home please spread the word and share this information so they will not experience the horror of having irreplaceable valuables taken from their very own home. This fake agent was able to access the lock box and get a key.

Also, your Homeowners Insurance will not cover cash or jewelry (unless you have a special rider).


dustin and amy said…
Oh Lorri, I am so sorry! I'm glad you guys are all okay! Are you able to track this guy down? Did any neighbors see who it might have been? WOW! Who would have thought?
Michelle said…
That freaking sucks!!! Not only are things taken that you can't replace, but it also takes away a sense of security! We are glad you guys are safe, and no one was home!
Lori said…
Reading your post made me sick to my stomach. I am so sorry this happened to you guys. I haven't heard of this type of robbery before. Glad your sweet family is okay, Lorri.
....and p.s..... where are you moving to?!?!
Kristen said…
I am SICK! I can't even imagine how violated you guys must feel. I really hope they catch the people who did this to you!!
Castle Family said…
I am so sorry that happened to you. Hope they can link the cell number to someone.
Carroll Family said…
That is so ............ I can't believe that! And I think how much trust I put in all the agents showing our house when we were selling! It's awful - I'm so sorry.
Tracey said…
How horrible! I am so sorry. There is nothing worse than that VIOLATED feeling - you must have! Ugh.... I am so so sorry. Glad you are all safe.
Kelly said…
Hope you are doing better! I was sad when we saw you friday night! So hope you are doing much better now! Hopefully the police can find them!
Unknown said…
I am SO sorry to hear that happened to you!
kelli said…
:( How can people live with themselves...It's hard to understand!
Anonymous said…
Lorri that is such disturbing news. I'm so sad for you, but the good news is u know it wont be long before Brandon replaces those rings with something amazing again! The other sad news is I don get to visit you anymore I'm so bummed.
Kari said…
Lorri, I'm so sorry! I have to "ditto" everything everyone else said on here. That's just not fair. I am right there with you, you are a good woman to even think about praying for those criminals!
Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for your post. I recieved a call from this number623-217-8256 today. I usually don't check, but glad i did today. there are several people who have reported this number. They said HE ALSO HAS ANOTHER BUSINESS WHERE HE DOES STUFF WITH HOMES...BUT HE ROBS THEM TOO. MULTIPLE NUMBERS. 602-354-8663 , 602) 565-2489. HES BLACK, OVER WEIGHT, BETWEEN 25 AND 35. UNMISTAKEABLY RASPY VOICE'
.... The guy was on his way today, but after reading your post and several others i called and canceled.

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