I cleaned the house today, I wish you could have seen it....

It must be Monday!


read scriptures
made breakfast smoothies
mopped up breakfast smoothies
kissed, and sent 4 kids to school
worked out
washed dishes
swept floors (twice)
cleaned up family room (from super bowl Sunday)
organized pantry
washed 7 loads of laundry (found clean clothes among the dirty ones. argh!)
tidied 6 bedrooms
vacuumed 10 rooms/2 rugs
arranged a play date
planned dinner for sick neighbor
went to grocery store
picked up kids from school
painted 2 sets of fingernails & toenails (nope, not mine)
drove 3 kids to gymnastics
gave “pixie” stitches (repaired stuffed animal)
bathed two children
threatened 3 boys if they didn’t shower
met with the PC Repairman
made dinner
listened to 4 children practice piano
gave one spelling test
taught one child how to count change
pleaded for one child to study spelling words (got nowhere)
reviewed proclamation to the world with family
taught F.H.E.
kissed 5 foreheads & 1 set of lips
read a bedtime story
updated blog

All so when Mr. B.T.C. walks through the back door and asks, “How was your day?”
I can reply, “ahhh, ya know, just the NORM.” In my mind, I'm thinking...Housework, if done right, can kill you, but I simply add, “Oh, by the way honey, I cleaned the house today. I wish you could have seen it.”


Anonymous said…
You were one productive lady!
Castle Family said…
That made ME tired! Impressive.
kelli said…
YOU GO GIRL! Nice of you to give your house cleaning ladies a break!!!
Kelly said…
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!! You are amazing! What time do you wake up and what time do you go to bed??
candice said…
That is one impressive list!! I had LOTS of plans to do many of those same things...and got about 1/4 of them actually done. :)
Anonymous said…
So true! I can spend the entire day cleaning (I do!) the entire afternoon cooking (I should) and the entire evening bathing, organinzing, and tending to kids. And Yet, when Adam walks through the door and asks "What did you do today?" I always say, "Nothing."

That's a lot of nothing!

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