The last of my beginning readers

As I sat beside Brit today and listened to her read, memories flooded my mind as I recalled this same process with my four other children.

Each one varied in their ability to "catch on". For some the process was a little more challenging. I remember the look of frustration that would surface as each one would try to decode those unfamiliar letters.

The reward always came when I saw their little faces light up, and listened to the excitement in their voice as they were able to finally blurt out the correct word.

"Reading Time" became humorous and entertaining as I watched them grasp the meaning of an exclamation point, and listened as their voices suddenly became more animated.

As Brit read, I watched all those familiar facial expressions come alive as she would now, take her turn, to learn how to put those phonograms to use.

I realized how precious this time is and how quickly it vanishes.

I found myself focusing more closely on her words and really tuning in, trying to take it all in, for she is the last of my five children to learn to read and I wanted to freeze time.

I know well that it’s all too easy to get sucked back into this "hustle-bustle" life of mine, but for now I’m stopping, listening, and photographing.


kelli said…
Kelly said…
She is so DARLING! Thanks for reminding us all to slow it down and enjoy this precious moments with our kids! We only have them once, and soon they will be all grown up! sad :(
candice said…
I find myself doing this more and more these days. Just soaking in every word, expression, and hug from's not an easy thing to accept that you are done having kids, and these are the last times they may be doing things.

I loved this post. :) Great pictures too.
chrisy said…
That is so adorable! Leave it to you to capture that priceless moment of Brit learning to read. Thanks for sharing....I LOVE IT!!
Lori said…
Hey, Lorri! These pictures are so sweet. I am heading off to the bookstore to grab that book you mentioned yesterday. I was looking at the Pioneer Woman site. AWESOME and I love that it is written in an "easy to read and understand" way. Do you ever use your flash in your photos? By the way, I need to get your email. If you get a chance text it to me. Thanks, Lorri! Talk to you soon.
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