MCP Project 52
Week 29/52 Theme: Get Close
This is a great theme! I love to get in close when I pick up my camera. I believe it makes a better photograph. After checking out this weeks theme I grabbed my camera and thought I would head out the front door and capture the first thing that I saw. This was it. It made a nice photograph I thought but when I capture something I really want it to be unique and I imagined everyone else turning in close-ups of flowers... so... I changed my mind.
Moments later I heard my daughter practicing her piano. I walked right up c-l-o-s-e to her and captured this. Yes... much better. This is not only unique but will hopefully grab at the viewers emotions (at least it does me). I love to hear my kids practice piano. They are getting so good! Wesley has been in Canada for two weeks now and I can't wait for his return so I can not only see his sweet face but listen to him practice piano. He loves it and it shows when his fingers touch the keys.
I l-o-v-e my neighborhood!