swift to hear

Often I write a quote or scripture on our kitchen chalkboard.
This one currently holds the record for longest ever kept.

I'm pretty sure the kids are ready for a new one.

I'm not.

Here's why.

I'm hopeful that when this scripture is read... (I can feel my mind wandering off for a moment) A sudden miraculous change will sweep over each child and cause a change of heart to the point that they will NEVER feel wrath again.

Snap out of it!

Ok, I'm back...

That each child will, in someway, value what they've read. If not, that it'll go into some holding zone deep into their brains and surface when they need it.

When I read this particular scripture it had great value to me and I've tried to apply it.I've been a better listener lately and slower to speak. It has changed everything!

I've observed that for the most part people do just the opposite. They are swift to speak and slow to hear.

Mostly, people are swift to talk about themselves(They'll even cut you off while speaking).

Have you noticed?

I believe this scripture has had it's time to sink deep into the minds of my children. Some are starting to notice, converse and respond.

For example my son was in the car with another couple. He over heard a conversation between the driver and his wife. The driver said, "Man, my back is really hurting today."

His wife said, " Yeah my head is hurting and my .... is hurting and my.... has been killing me lately."

He was amazed that the wife didn't even address her husbands issue and see what she could do to help.. She immediately brought herself into the conversation(no judgement here. I'm sure I've been guilty many times).

It does cause me some serious reflection. I want to be present to others and less concerned about myself.

Another example...

We were all sitting at the dinner table. Bree starts to tell me about her day when her brother cut her off and began to tell me about his day.

Bree just quietly let him finish(she's mastered the...good listener... slow to wrath part of the scripture).

Another brother who was also sitting at the table replied, "Hey, why'd you have to bring yourself into the conversation. Dude, you just cut her off." (Between you and me these two brothers haven't mastered the... slow to wrath part yet).

An opportunity to learn presented itself for the brother that cut off his sister.

I'm amazed at the conversations our family is privileged to have as a result from one quote or scripture.I'm proud of my kids. I've noticed their efforts in striving to be better listeners. It's beginning to help them notice and develop certain characteristics that will create meaningful relationships in their lives.


dustin and amy said…
I love your quote board, I might have to start one myself. Thanks for sharing.
chrisy said…
I love that idea too. You are such a good example. Thanks for takeing the time to inspire and share with the rest of us.
Kelly said…
I love that chalkboard! Were did you get it? Please share!
And it is so true! I know I have been guilty of not listening and cutting my husband off. We do need to slow down and listen. I love this scripture. Thank you Lori for another inspiring post!
Anonymous said…
I'm Kelli's long lost friend from the west side-lol! I just wanted to let you know how thankful I am that you posted this. I'm putting this scripture up and will start applying it with my family. It is SO easy to always inerject your thoughts and feelings and definitely harder to sit back and listen. Thanks so much!
Lorri said…
Kelly...The chalkboard is just a cabinet door turned sideway. It's painted black and slightly distressed. You can turn it into a chalkboard with a little chalkboard paint. Glue on a cute flower and there you have it.
Kelly said…
SO crafty! I thought that's what it was.. Now I just need to find a cabinet door. ? Any suggestions?
Lorri said…
maybe sean warner would know???
kelli said…

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