back to school

Today I've reached one of those time dictated moments in life. My oldest child starts as a freshman in High School. My youngest starts 1st grade (all day school). For the first time in a very long time I will be home during the day without my little ones about me. Wow! this is a bit foreign to me. I'm not sure I like this. All I can think about is...there is no turning back, no second chance.

I have been preparing them for this day and have had the marvelous privilege to learn with them. This is just the beginning of an opportunity for them to make a difference in the world.

I pray that through their experiences at home, they've come to better understand the importance of preparing themselves so that they might be armed with the personal strength to face the temptations and discouragements that just come with being a human being.

To my kids...I will miss our time together during the day but I know that each of you are ready for this and the world deserves to know who you are and have their time to experience you in their lives.

I'll be home waiting for your arrival....with an after school snack of course ! I love you.


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