Hi ALL! I haven't updated in a while. It seems that everyone around us has been getting sick and it finally hit me. I'm glad to be back to good health and up and running again.

This ol' chalk board has been a pleasant addition to my kitchen. It has served as a menu board, showcased artwork and most recently has displayed my quote of the week.

During family scripture study our family talked about how every member is a missionary. We talked about some ways we could share the gospel in our daily lives.

We read President Gordon B. Hinckley's quote: "If we will go forward, never losing sight of our goal, speaking ill of no one, living the great principles we know to be true, this cause will roll on in majesty and power to fill the earth."

It was suggested by one of the kids that we could be a good example to others through our actions and our words. We decided to be more present when we speak and try our best to use words that would add to someone else and not take away from them.

As a family we agreed to take on the challenge of "speaking ill of no one" for one week. If anyone forgot, our reminder word would be..... SIONO. We are well into week two and I'm still hearing this word around our home. It has been a great reminder and I love the new habit we've adopted of speaking only positive of others.


Kelly said…
That is a great reminder WE ALL need to be reminded! Thanks!
Tracey said…
Love it... thanks for the idea! We need a little more of SIONO around the Simas home:)
kelli said…
I just studied this lesson today and that quote really made an impression. I even wrote it out...Hmmm we must be twins!!!
CoCo said…
boy do we neee that around here!
Love the That Reminder!!! Thanks for sharing. I deleted my blog on accident the new address is

Love ya

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