A smiling face is always beautiful

This week my kids had picture day at school. I made sure their shirts were pressed and their hair looked just right before sending them off. I told each of them to give the photographer their best smile, not because I was anxious to fill an empty frame in the upcoming weeks but because this would be their one and only shot for the school yearbook.

Although I appreciate the school photography services from Lifetouch I think I will handle taking the kids portraits this year. I suppose its the process of ordering a package prior to picture day without being able to preview the prints first. I like to view, sort through, then buy.

While they were at school getting their Lifetouch pictures taken, I was at home preparing for a portrait session of my own. When the kids returned home they were told that the school session was just practice for the "real session".

I found that their "perfect" hair was now flattened and their pressed shirts wrinkled from an active day at school but that didn't matter because it's those faces that I'll be looking at and admiring most.

Thanks kids, for letting that natural charm shine through
those beautiful faces and providing me once again with

2009-2010 School Year Pictures- taken by "Mom"


Anonymous said…
I'm with you the school pix are never worth hanging on my walls either. Gr8 job on your version. Maybe you should offer your services to the school.
Alli Hunter said…
Love your pics Lorri. I have to say that is way wrong they make you pay before you even see the pics! Ours lets us view them first, but they're never real great. Great job on yours. Also thanks again for your help with my blog pics, I love posting now cause they actually look good! -Alli
chrisy said…
Yup..way better than school pictures. Great Job Lor...as always :)

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