All "dolled up" with a pocket full of birthday wishes

WOW! Has it really been six years since I was lying in a hospital bed wondering how lucky I was to be curled up next to my newborn baby? I remember trying to take in every second, realizing that she would be my last.

Now look at her...SIX?!?... I'm gonna sound like every momma on the planet when I say, "Where has the time gone? She's grown up too fast!"

I'm so proud of my baby who has grown one year older and definitely wiser too! She recognizes her genius because just last week she asked if she was so smart because of all the smarties she's been eating. I love everyone of her adorable comments!

She's got a smile that brightens, kisses that melt and a heart full of love.

She also had a pocket full of birthday wishes. Lucky for her, her birthday just happened to fall on labor day weekend so her wishes were granted. She was literally all "dolled up" and ready to celebrate her birthday here...

Wish # 1

She really...really...really wanted to go to the American Doll Store in L.A.

It's a good thing the boys tagged along, We needed 'em!

wish #2...
Wish #3
The beach(another post)

Happy Birthday Sweetheart!

We Love you


Kelly said…
Such Cute pictures! Your girls are so amazingly cute! Love them.. Happy late Bday!
Carroll Family said…
Dawson mentioned to Jamie that he went to the American Girl store - I think he enjoyed it??? I didn't know they had one over there- that would be sooooo fun!
kelli said…
Brit, you are complete SUNSHINE, aunt Kelli thinks your the GREATEST!

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