Teen in the House

Signs that there's a TEEN in the House...

I first realized I had a teen living under my roof when …

*the phone started to ring more often

*my cellphone minutes were being burned up by complaining

*there was an appetite increase

*his room got messier

*he forgot how to hang up clothes

*there began to be a change in attitude (mood swings and raging hormones)

*crying occured at the drop of a hat ( boys do this?!?)

*the wisdom we would impart seemed to hit the wall

*sharing was no longer an option

*authority was questioned

*pimples appeared

Any of this sounding familiar?

I remember rocking this firstborn child of mine as a baby, thinking that it would be different with OUR child. He would learn to be independent and respectful.

That worked up until age three (He hated nap time!)

It's my understanding that I better brace myself for the ride ahead. We can do these years the easy way or the hard way. . . I prefer the easy way!

If you have mastered this, please let me know!

I’d give my life for the teenager in my house. I love him that much. He's a great kid, who has a desire to carve out a separate identity for himself. I will continue to pray that he keeps his standards high, I'll offer hugs when needed, yet remain firm. I'll remind myself that the brain is not fully developed until around age 25 so I’ll cut him some slack!



Kelly said…
He is such a Cute Sweet "Teenager"! And he is always so thoughtfull and polite! I love the pic with the 3 of you! Your Hair looks really good! Did you do something diff? Hope you guys had a great Conf. weekend!
p.s.. you guys will be great teenager parents! and they still cry as teens?? Great!
Happy Birthday. We hope you had a good one. We love you.
candice said…
Happy Birthday Nathan!! He's a cutie, I think you better brace yourself for sure. :)

Great pics.
Tracey said…
Your pictures look great as always & no i have had no such luck and i am so frustrated. So far the teenage years have been so fun for us! Let's hope it stays that way?! Your son is such a cutie!
kelli said…
I love these pics, the colors are amazing! Nathan there are so many things that I’m thinking of right now that I love about you. Brandon and Lorri I love how you parent your children, it is inspiring!
Kari said…
Happy BIrthday to Nathan! In my mind he is still 10 because that's how I remember him from the Primary days!

Lorri, I have to tell you your photos are just beautiful! I am very much a beginner in the photography department! I also love your anniversary shots! Congrats on 15 years. :)
Bionic Man said…
Nathan is a stud!!! He's a pretty darn good kid...lets hope Brandon and Curtis don't corrupt him...:)lol

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