creepy little creatures

This picture is terrifying. Why? you might ask...
I’ll zoom in for you, and you can see for yourself!
That picture was taken just seconds before Nathan was stung. You can see that he had absolutely no idea that the scorpion’s long thin arched stinger was about to pierce his skin.

next... comes the sting.

He realizes what is happening and while holding his foot, leaps into the air. Look how high he jumps!

The expression on his face says it all! Poor guy.
My son is FINE of course. He experienced brief pain with a little swelling, but ME… I’m not OK!

These evil little, eight legged creatures are creepy!

We’ve lived in our home for six years and have never had an issue. I pray that one never finds its way into our home or I swear, I’m out of here!

I’m not even kidding, ask B.T.C!!! When we were first married and living in an apartment, I saw one for the first time and lets just say…I’m not very proud of my behavior.

It was bad.

Very bad.

I usually can dismiss a bad thought without a problem, but on this particular day, seeing such a foreign creature (I’m not from the desert) devastated me. My new husband wasn’t being very sympathetic when he said, "Why are you crying and acting this way, it’s just a bug".

Boy that did it. I looked him square in the eye... and...well... that thought, turned into action and made its way right out of my mouth as I said, it’s not a d*** bug.


I cried even harder cause I had just said a “naughty” word for the first time in my life! (sorry kids, you just found out that your mother is NOT perfect)Please don’t judge!!!

I learned a few things about myself that day that I’m not proud of... I had no self control!

But today I can hold my head up high, cause when my son got stung, I remained cool, calm and collected.

You see, I had an audience, my kids and their cousins.

I may have remained calm on the outside but when no one was watching, this is what I looked like and continue to look like each and every time I even hear of one.

Oh, by the way, after I saw that scorpion in our apartment, I had everything packed within a day. We moved!

And one more thing...

I was at a scripture class(don't think I'm great... sadly, its the only class I've gone to)on a Wednesday morning about 6 months ago and the instructor asked, "If Christ appeared right now and you had one question you could ask him, what would it be?"

My mind was racing, I had lots of questions I would ask... but I could only pick one.

What would it be?

I could never narrow it down to only one... so I didn't comment. If I had it to do over again, I could now ask the one question.... Why SCORPIONS???


Kristen said…
You're hilarious! You poor, poor dear! :)
kelli said…
I'm with you on this one girl!
Poor guy but see what memories you capture because you always have your camera. How often would that be be cought??!!
dustin and amy said…
I can't believe you caught it on camera, that's amazing. I can't say that I would have liked to see a picture of the sucker that stung me in action though.
Anonymous said…
I'm laughing so hard but definitely not at your reactions to the BUG but that you of all people would be able to find it in your pictures and capture the entire saga on camera! LOL totally NOT surprised. Way to track the memories. Love you all! Well Nate now you can say you know what it feels like! =)
Michelle said…
Oh my gosh that is hilarious!!! I am still laughing...i cant beleive you cussed! SINNER!!! just kidding!!! i would've moved too!
Lorri said…
Kelli gets the credit for capturing this picture.

She was just snapping away while watching the kids swim. She didn't even realize she caught the whole thing on camera.

Thank you Kelli!
Kelly said…
Oh my heck! That is CRAZY!! I hat those things, and yeas I would move too, cause there is NOTHING you can spray to get rid of them... YIKES! And I love how you said "Dont Judge".. I never would, i have tendicies to say random naughty words.. But I am getting better! That has come with old age!:)
Kelly said…
Sorry my spelling is horrible!! Im embarassed.. Dont judge!!
Lorri said…
No judging going on here. Trust me!
Kari said…
Yikes! I loathe scorpions! So sorry for Nathan. Glad he's okay. So scared for you. Glad you remained calm. We saw one in our house a few years back and I called the exterminators the next day...practically had the house fumigated. Great question too...why scorpions??
CoCo said…
lol!!!!!!! but not funny really! i'm scared

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