"fabulous husband of a LIFETIME" award

My husband should write a book entitled, How to be a fabulous husband.

SERIOUSLY... He should!

Let me explain…

I’ve had my eye on these great pair of jeans, ya know, the ones with the logo that depicts the little short Buddha guy with the big ol' ROUND belly playing his acoustic guitar. Yeah... those!

Anyone interested in having great jeans at a discounted price?
Look over to your right under exploring, scroll down until you come to
vintage-bliss...click...and enjoy!

husbands...don't complain...It'll save you $$$ it's discounted, BIG TIME!

Well...my hubby must have overheard me talking to my sis about ‘em cause when I went into my closet to put my jammies on, THERE THEY WERE!!! draped over a rack in MY closet.

WHoA... THE UNEXPECTED! cAn you beLieve thAt?!?

I couldn't! I rubbed my eyes a FEW times.

He’s so thoughtful and sometimes, he does buy me “STUFF” but it’s the small things he does that make my heart instantly triple in size.

Like those evenings when I’m so tired and ready to call it a day but I still have kids to bathe, dinner to clean up, dishes to wash, etc… he steps in without complaint and helps to release my daily demands by completely taking over. He sees to it that I do something for ME to RELAX.

My guy is so full of surprises and ALWAYS does the unexpected. He has honestly made my life the best it could be. It’s been EXTRAORDINARY from day one.

Who still says that after FIFTEEN years?

BTC you get the “fabulous husband of a LIFETIME” award


kelli said…
I have seen this guy on an average day...he is truly extraordinary! I'm soooo glad you have him Lorri! Brandon, thank you for taking such good care of my sister Lorri!
What a WONDERFUL husband!!!

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