Discovering the world, eyes wide with wonder

Seeing the world through the eyes
of our little Britley is a special view

Britley said, "Mom, is the BIG
sun circle huger than Dad?"
(her sweet words continue to melt me)

I believe she's referring to the size
of her Daddy’s heart. She knows she’s
always been his little bit of sunshine.

happy or not she knows there will always be one who believes in her. That makes him pretty BIG in her little world.


kelli said…
Lorri, thank you for sharing a piece of your day with us, we felt a feeling of warmth. We love your kids, and YES, Brit, you are so SPECIAL!
Nichole Barney said…
Cute pictures, cute family! I need a copy of that scripture marking thing. I like that!
Shawni said…
Love the pictures Lorri! She is darling.
Kelly said…
Hey Lori, I found your blog through Amy's! Very Cute!!And I love all the pictures you have up! You have such a cute Family.-Kelly
Sonia said…
Lori~so cute....but you have the cutest little family. Oh my gosh Lori, it is 1am and I am finally ending my blogging. I have been at this since 9pm'ish. Why did you get me into this addiction? :) love ya girl and hope you are sleeping well....
Kelly said…
Hey Lori! Thank you so much for the yummy dinner! It was so sweet of you to do that! Im glad you were able to see our little Talan too! -Kelly

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