Future builders of tomorrow

During any kind of school break my boys seem to come alive. When our 3 boys walk out the door it seems that their creativity represents a miraculous coming together of all the neighbor boys within a two mile radius.

The group of boys collectively combine their intelligences and come up with all sorts of possiblilties on how they can keep the day fun, adventurous, and full of excitement. As they look across the street at an empty dirt lot they suddenly get wildly enthusiastic about the trash pile at a nearby construction site. They seem to radiate happiness as they walk away from their fathers tool box (which is supposed to be off limits). They clearly have a vision of the project they are about to embark on.

As I stand watching from the front living room window I know that it is hopeless to try and guess what project they have come up with this time. So I just wait, occasionally peering out the window to make sure they aren’t getting into any mischief. You can tell by watching them that they have absolutely no past or future on their minds, only enjoying the present(Don't you think the world would be a happier place if we all applied this?)

My occasional trips to the window indicated that they were keeping themselves quite busy with drills, saws, hammers and other tools (that I have absolutely no idea what they are) in hand. They were really dirty, and looked very exhausted but this adventure seemed to keep their day fresh and new, full of wonder and excitement and kept them working for hours.

My last trip to the window left me standing in awe as I saw what they had built. Of all the endless possibilities that it could have been I should have known… Every young boys hand made miracle A FORT HOUSE. They were completely exhausted but it has been their greatest fulfillment over October school break.

No worries, they are the future builders of tomorrow!

I figured this thrill would be short lived and I'd better head out and get a photo before the neighbor dude made them tear it down. (there’s always one of those in every neighborhood isn’t there?)

This made me think of previous projects my creative boys have come up with. They made a little money on this idea. They posted a sign on the back of this chair that read $1 a ride.

The neighbor kids actually paid for a ride!


Anonymous said…
That's wonderful thanks for sharing. Loving you all.
Lori said…
I remember doing this with all of the neighbor kids when I was growing up! So fun! So you still have an empty lot across the street???
kelli said…
Yes...I'm related to those genius kids!

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