scripture marking tip

This scripture marking system sparked interest in many of my friends and their families so I wanted to share how the idea originated in hopes that it will increase your interest in studying the scriptures. Back in February of 2004 I was reading an article in the Ensign by Marianne Olson. She introduced a simple system for marking her scriptures that was simple enough for children yet meaningful for adults. Her system is as follows…

Red: Like a stop sign, this color reminds us what we should not do.

Green: A signal to “go,” green indicated what we should do.

Blue: We use blue to highlight the blessings we are promised if we obey.

As I practiced this system, the pages began to respond to my touch and come alive for me. Familiar scriptures once read now seemed as if I were reading it for the first time with new meaning and purpose. I hope that this might be helpful to you as you customize your study of scriptures, church magazines, and your Relief Society manual. As you have a desire to gain knowledge, I know that the Holy Ghost will open your mind and heart to be taught and that you will come to know the Savior better and feel of his love.

*I've added more colors *

yellow: slow down pay attention (highlights)
brown: prayer
pink : atonement


Shawni said…
Hey Lorri, I totally did this on my mission but I've been a total slacker at it since then. I need to get busy and get my kids busy too! I'm so excited that you're blogging, and that I'll get to see you and catch up tomorrow! See you then!
candice said…
That's a really cool idea...I will have to try it. My kids would love that too. Thanks!
Shawni said…
great to see you yesterday, Lorri! We need to get together more. Ok, now what's the workout video called?

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