First day of school

Phew, what a morning! I know school is back in session when I have to crawl out of bed at 6am.

Back to the ol' schedule...

Even with the busy schedule, I still managed to get a couple pics of the kiddos before they left. OK, maybe a few more than a couple and the camera may have followed them to school, but I had to capture some of those memorable moments.

This little one was so happy to start her very first day of school.
She was proud to own the title of "kindergartener".
This second grader couldn't wait to meet up with her friends.
She's smart and sweet. Her teacher is lucky to have her.

This one is going into fifth grade. He has always been the life of the party at school.
I usually get to talk to his teacher on a weekly basis.
Hopefully he can behave himself this year.

This one is going into 7th grade which means Jr. High. He's always
been the "cool kid" that everyone likes to hang out with. He's self motivated
and knows how to work hard. I see another great year ahead.

This one is in 8th grade which means his last year of Jr. High. He's a
natural born leader and despite all the negative influences that come with
being amongst "older kids" I know he will make good choices and do great.

Maybe it was a little "uncool" of me to have them pose for a picture,
at school, in front of other people. Two out of the five played along (not too bad).
And this one really tried (bless her heart)but her sensitive little eyes
just couldn't take the sun. Closed eyes are better than a squint. Right?!?

While other children were hanging on to the pant legs of their mothers, shedding a few tears, terrified to start their first day of the new school year, my girls didn't even show the slightest bit of nervousness. They wouldn't have even noticed I was there had I not pleaded for a slight turn of their heads in the direction of the camera. Off they went, to the playground, without a care in the world (oh, to be young again) to get in a little play time before the ringing of the bell which they knew would officially start off the 2009-10 school year.

The girls were tickled when their Daddy showed up to walk them to class.
The house is now empty and quiet. I've been waiting for this moment for 13 yrs. but wouldn't you know it, I'm already missing the kids, especially little Brit (messes and all). I had her all to myself last year. It's a good thing she has half day kindergarten. I'm not ready to give her away all day.


dustin and amy said…
Your kids are beautiful! I know how you felt today. I had a hard time letting Brody go! I can't imagine what it's like when it's your baby. What product do you use in your boys hair? I need something good for Brody's hair.
kelli said…
you guys are such a good looking family...keep the good grades up this year!!!
BTC said…
You are the most extraordinary mother I have ever seen. I sit in awe at all of the things you do to make the lives of your children meaningful. They are so lucky to have you. You are a blessing to so many. It will only take a few days for you to fill the 3 hours your alone with some special way in which you serve someone or something. I love who you are, how you are, and who I am when because of you. And your beautiful, what a bonus.--Loving you BTC
Kelly said…
Oh my heck! Such cute kids!! And you are home alone!! Wow!! Im sure time will still fly by, and it will be time to get the kids! Miss seeing you guys! :)
Sally said…
Hi! Not sure how I landed upon your blog but was admiring your awesome photography and darling kids. Wondering where you found these cute clips in your girls hair...hoping etsy {I live in Boise}. If you get a

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