A Doll from SANTA

Last year for Christmas we tried something out of the ordinary. We had no gifts on Christmas morning and instead the kids shopped and helped provide Christmas for others.

In addition we planned a trip to Park City and spent Christmas week skiing for the first time.

We made a deal with the kids. When they returned home from their vacation they could pick one gift of their choice.

The plan worked perfectly and everyone was on board but then on Christmas morning we found the girls sitting in the kitchen writing Santa a letter. They drew a picture of Santa and his reindeer. They included a picture of themselves (tears running down their face). They asked Santa why he couldn't find them.

When I saw their letters I called my husband panicked (hewas at the ski resort skiing with the boys). I pleaded with him to find something to bring home. Unfortunately not even Wal-mart was open on Christmas Day. The girls recovered from this tragedy when they returned home and were able to pick out there gift but it broke there mothers heart.

The boys loved skiing so much that they wanted to repeat Christmas in Utah again with no gifts so we planned a ski trip this year but this time our little angels had a special delivery from SANTA!


So cute! We know all about the American Girl Dolls.They will love them and would absolutely go crazy if ever in one of the stores. Yeah for Santa!
Sonia said…
Yippee for Santa. I am so behind on my blog. I will update this week for sure. I miss you and hope to hang out soon. Call me when you get home. I am jealous, for sure, that you are playing in the snow. I look forward to seeing you. Have a safe trip and a Happy New Year's. Love ya. Sonia
Sonia said…
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Your lesson was FANTASTIC today!!! I would love to know your favorite books!! I was wondering if we could come visit teach you next wednesday around 9? my e-mail is amy.slm@cox.net
candice said…
That is so cute. Glad Santa fround the girls this year. :)

Those are the biggest icicles I have ever seen!!
Kelly said…
We are still here! My little one had a stuffy nose sunday, So i stayed home! Tally told me you gave an awesome lesson! Im so sad I missed it! Talan is available for you to hold anytime! :)

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