

Happy Anniversary Mr. B.T.C!

Mr. B.T.C is the man I married eighteen years ago. The day we married I didn't think I could possibly love him more than I already did. Time has shown me that it's possible!

Loving him is easy because of who he is.  Remember THIS post. How could you not melt when this is the man you are married to? I've had people straight up ask me, "Is your relationship  "real" or do you guys just put on a front for people?"

Let me just say that it's the real deal. It was the trials in our early marriage years of marriage that created a bond between us that taught us to love deeply. We look back and cherish those times.

I've often wondered how we've stood the test of time in our marriage and remain more in love than ever and I'd have to say that even though our personalites are so very different( read THIS) we've learned to love and embrace each other for exactly who each other is. There are other things too. I've pondered these "other things" and although I could create a very long list, I'll only touch on a few.

We REEEally take time for each other.

We look each other in the eyes when we are talking. We let all of our previous thoughts diminish so we can really hear each other.

We are each other's best friend. We love to be in each other's company.

We look for ways to serve each other. It brings us some of our greatest joy. Sometimes I wonder if my husband thinks, "What can I do for my wife today that would make a difference in her world?" before he even gets out of bed because he does make a difference. DAILY!

We parent similarly. He's a little nicer to the kids (or so they think) I'm just the one that makes sure they are staying on top of their responsibilities. Someday they will thank me. Well, I hope.

We text each other often. Just to let each other know how much we appreciate each other.

We "clearly" communicate. No dropping hints! Mr. B.T.C. Has had to teach that one to me over the years.

We positively reinforce each other.

We still go out on a date at least once a week.

Ok, I guess that was more than a few (I told you I could make a long list)But just ONE more before I go because this one is a biggie...

We love to vacation TOGETHER and for this reason we decided to spend our E-I-G-H-T-E-E-N-T-H anniversary in Cabo San Lucas Mexico. Well, sort of... We went two weeks early since our anniversary usually falls during spring break. This allowed us a second vacation with the kids to California just days after returning from our "real vacation".

Here are a few photographs of our peaceful, relaxing(when I say relaxing... I mean REEElaxing), dreamy vacation...

My sister and her husband were also staying in Cabo at another resort. They are the inspiration behind us planning a vacation to Mexico for our Anniversary. We were delighted when they came and spent time at our resort with us.

Wanna know why they're laughing? Well, There were signs posted RESTRICTING anyone from getting into the water (they even have a guard watching just to make sure) because of the brutal waves crashing in.  Need I say more?
We stayed at the all-inclusive "adult only" Pueblo Bonito Pacifica Resort & Spa.  I loved the elegant feel of this place.  When we walked through the front door, the atmosphere and aroma had us feel as though we had just stepped into a luxurious spa. 

Anyone who knows Mr. B.T.C. knows that he's not fond of smiling for the camera.
 No worries! I've got this one handled.

Kelli and Will.

View of the resort from the beach.

One of my favorite things to do is walk the beach. 
He's know this about me and that's why we do it often.

You seriously feel like you've stepped into paradise here.
All Mr. B.T.C had to do was look me in the yes and wish me a Happy Anniversary. That would have been enough to make me weak in the knees and have me feel like the luckiest girl in the world but NO he planned a trip to a luxurious resort, candlelight dinners, walks along the beach, spa treatments, and shopping. He didn't stop there. This man of mine still managed to slip a few gifts in his luggage for me.
Words can't express how he made me feel on our Anniversary.
Thank you for the incredible man that you are and for the lovely, DAILY memories. 
Being married to you has been the best adventure of my life. 


Kirk&Whitney said…
ahh! that black bathing suit is the one i wanted from Nordstrom's! but when i went to get it they said their shipment from the night before had disappeared...every single one! just my luck!

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