After we disembarked the Disney Ship,  a small group of us went to the Kennedy Space Center.

After saying good bye to friends our family headed to the Wyndham Bonnet Creek Resort.  This place was not only beautiful but packed with entertainment.  It had several outdoor pools as well as activities for the kids.   

With all the scheduled entertainment I was surprised to learn what my kids favorite activity was.  Are you ready for this? Watching the fish eat their spit.  
Face painting. This guy was fast and talented!

Not a fan of the evil face but he sure was impressed with his new look.

 We had some serious fun while playing miniature golf as a family and trying to beat Mr. B.T.C at a game of checkers(no one succeeded).  

Not sure the putters should be used to pick up speed?!

Why does Mr. B.T.C have to win every freakin game? NO, I'm not a bad sport!

Yep, just keep on smiling you little sucker!
Heading to the Islands of Adventure to check out the Wizarding World of Harry Potter
Even though the kids have had their schedules packed with fun and adventure I have had a few of my  children create time to do homework.  I also have a couple of kids who haven't even peeked at their school bags.  So I simply said, "We will be going to the Islands of Adventure tomorrow and whoever is caught up on their homework will be going with us.  If you aren't caught up on your work you will have the opportunity to stay behind and work in peace and quiet."

Oh boy! One of my children lashed out and threw a bit of a tantrum saying, " It's not fare that you would MAKE us do homework while on vacation. It's stupid!" 

I looked at this child and said, " Ok! I'm willing to support you in your decision to not do homework while on vacation." 

This child looked at me in shear amazement. 

 I then told him just how willing I was to support him in his decision.  I asked him to go pack his bags and then looked at Mr. B.T.C and asked him to check on the first flight out of Orlando to Phoenix(I was certain my sister would be more than willing to pick him up from the airport).  I assured our child that I would have him in school the following morning so he wouldn't have to be doing homework on vacation.  What better place than in school.  I agreed with him 100%! Mr. B.T.C began to search for flights.  

To our amazement this child turned around marched to his bedroom, shut the door and only came out to show us his completed assignments. Needless to say the entire family got to go to the theme park. 

Ok here we go passing through the Hogwarts castle gates.

The shops of Hogsmeade had some pretty good stuff.

Now back to the resort. 
I found my girls out collecting leaves and creating flowers out of them.  They love nature as much as I do and I love that!

Trying to soak in the beautiful views from our balcany. This was one of my favorite places to sit because I love skywatching.  These silhouettes against a colorful sky are just gorgeous. Every night we would sit out on the balcony and watch spectacular firework displays from the different theme parks. 


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