A birthday is an interesting thing. Each person really sees it differently and silently has their very own feelings about it. Today, June 3 is Lorri's Birthday. And as her greatest admirer, lover and 17 year husband, I would like to share a few of my personal birthday thoughts about Lorri. (Yes, you guessed it, she has no idea I know her log-in information and I am violating her blog.) You see, for me, acknowledging a "Happy Birthday" to Lorri wouldn't adequately express my feelings. I literally find myself each day grateful for her being alive. I feel like it is a birthday gift to me each day I awake with her by my side. I am so impressed with the special woman that she is. The way she moves through life with power, commitment and dedication. The kind of mother she is. The kind of wife she is. Many of you out there have a sense about how special this girl is. Let me help you know her a little better. She is the best mother I have ever seen. She is the best mother I have ever seen (that needed to be said twice). She is in incredible wife with so much commitment that it spills over into me. She is a great friend to many. She prays for her friends by name. She loves her scriptures sincerely. She serves me and so many others unconditionally. She has so many talents but shares them carefully as to not have the person she is with ever feel less. She is beautiful to look at it. She is beautiful to be with. So in a way, I feel like its my birthday everyday. What a gift I have. I love you Lorri and wish you a special day today. Happy Birthday just doesn't seem like it does it justice. Love-BTC


Lorri said…
You are the best husband EVER!

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