little pink bundle

Just three short days after our last trip we were back to traveling.

I found myself once again at an airport. Pushing a wheelchair. This time however we were traveling for pleasure and luckily there were no difficult encounters at the airport.

We were off to visit some dear friends of ours. These are the kind of friends that...

. Even though you haven't seen them in months or sometimes years you pick up right where you left off.

. You can trust them to watch your kids when you leave town(did this about 9 yrs. ago) Our kids thought it was the best weekend ever!

. Are a positive example to follow.

. Have "good energy"

. Have a loving and secure home, filled with love, laughter and affection.

For all of these reasons and many more it is no surprise that this couple's profile was chosen twice to be adoptive parents. They have two beautiful, sweet boys.

Our trip to Salt Lake involved being present to show our love and support for this family's third addition. Hearts were bursting with love as each member of this family held this little pink bundle of joy.

Their larger-than-life smile says it all.

I loved capturing these pictures. Isn't she so precious?

I had to get a few pics of the boys playing in the snow together.

And of course I chose the window seat. The weather changed so rapidly during the flight. It was fun capturing it on camera.

Shana, I think you are one terrific mother! I admire and look up to you in so many ways. Thank you guys for allowing us to spend this memorable weekend with you.


Whitny said…
Oh my gosh. Shana and Riley. We went to lake power with them last summer. How do you know them? Her sister Katie is a good friend. So cool to see them. What beautiful pictures. Great job. Love love.
shana post said…
Lorri...thank you for being our personal chefs, maids, babysitters. We love you guys and are so grateful for your friendship!

P.S. Avery's pictures are precious!!! You are one talented woman. I don't think there's anything you can't do.

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