PSSST... an organizing tip

Are you one of those MOMS that never throw away crayons?

I’m just curious.

I'll admit, I was once like that.

My crayon box was usually a recycled wet wipe container that was overflowing with bits and pieces of crayons that had the paper half peeled off.

I scored if I could occasionally add a NEW crayon that was usually taken from a restaurant.

WHY? I still ask myself.

I mean, a box of crayons cost a couple bucks. RIGHT? So why not replace it every couple months?

I'm a fairly simple person. I don’t like clutter and I like to organize my “STUFF” so I can get to it when I need it.

I figured out a solution to the crayola clutter and want to pass it on.

I picked up these photo boxes at Office Max. They cost about $14.00. Each box holds 6 separate containers inside.

I have three boxes.

One for crafts: Crayons, twistables,markers, pens, scissors, etc.

One for games: matching game, card games, puzzles, etc. (yeah, no more boxes that get torn up.)

One for educational: hand-made preschool books, phonogram cards, time telling, mathematics, etc.

It's a great way to organize the little STUFF!

I even have one for myself labeled $$$. It helps me stick to my budget. (tithing, spending, grocery, piano lessons, kids lunch money, housecleaning,etc.)


Castle Family said…
those are great!! might have to get me some! and I am alllll about chucking stuff. I probably throw away at least 3-4 toys a week just because I'm sick of the kids leaving it out. (don't tell on me). I threw away a perfectly good set of Dora Dominoes 1 piece at a time until it was all gone :)
Huish Family said…
love the ideas! Thanks.
Unknown said…
Super boxes, and you have a great idea to give each box one purpose. To help stray puzzle pieces find their way back home, I use a marker to write one number on the back of each puzzle piece and write that same number on the box. It makes returning a lost piece to the right box so much easier. I have an organizing blog you ever need inspiration or want to submit a "stump the organizer question:"

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