After a dinner out with Mom and Dad, the only thing Wesley could think about was purchasing this air soft rifle with his birthday money. The neighborhood has never seen so many air soft wars.
Wesley is...
self-motivated and
kind hearted
Sounds like the perfect kid doesn't it? Well, he really is! Happy Birthday kiddo. Make it a good year!
The boys (Wes and Dawson) are off to scout camp. Mr. B.T.C and Nathan just left on a hunting trip to Utah. That leaves me and the girls home alone. Get ready to shop until you drop girls! This is gonna be a fun week! Late night movies, pizza, chocolate cake and popcorn. Afternoon and late night swimming. Shopping bags galore. New shades of lipstick. Yep, that pretty much sums up the week. Now hide the Nordi bags girls Mr. B.T.C is coming home:)
There is nothing spooky or eery about these two. I love that they like to play up their character while taking photographs. They. ARE. ADORABLE!!! Happy Halloween 2014
Woa, I'm already school shopping?! How is it possible that the summer is gone and school is upon us already? I may not be ready for the kids to go back to school quite yet (I want more vacation time ) but they are. Now that the kids have met their teachers (we got lucky, everyone is thrilled with their teacher choice) and have reacquainted themselves with friends they are ready to begin a new school year. Britley is a THIRD grader this year. She is extremely bright and ready to get to work. Breeley is a FIFTH grader. I can't believe it! She makes friends easily and is happy to meet her "new friends". Dawson is in 8th grade. This will be his last year of Jr. High! Oh boy- I'm sure he will make it a memorable year (His poor teachers). He happens to be the "funny kid" in school. We've gotten to know all his teachers a little more than we would have liked to. ...