
Showing posts from February, 2011

big city market

Have you ever looked at grocery shopping as a rewarding experience? I haven't. Until I went to Denver. I wish I could do my grocery shopping every week at Tony's market. It was just a hop skip and a jump away from where we were staying. Located right in the heart of the city. There is just something unique about a fresh market. Let me tell you, fresh is exactly what you get to. My mouth was watering just walking down the isles(Could you ever say that about Wal-mart?) This market had a large deli, bakery. I wish you could see the cakes that come out of this place. It has a huge selection of meats and seafood. And best of all a bistro that was absolutely deelish! Mr. B.T.C and I walked down (crutches and all) and enjoyed the best breakfast ever! While I was eating I began thumbing through this recipe magazine and decided it was a must have. When I got home this was the first recipes I tried. Oh man was it ever good. So I'm sharing it with you. It was nice eating a tos...


B.T.C had to go to Denver this week on business. He invited me to come along. He thought it would be a good idea to have me tag along and handle luggage, etc. since he's still on crutches and will be for another 3 weeks(Doctors orders). I was delighted to go. I mean I would never pass up an opportunity to spend a little extra time with this man (I don't like crawling into an empty bed at night when he's away). The extra ticket was bought and off we went. Unfortunately I may have caused him more harm than help so with that said let me just take a moment and apologize for... # ONE. Pushing him a little too slow through the airport. Who knew the wheelchairs breaks were on?!? (It's my first time with a wheelchair). I was huffing and puffing but trying to look like it was no big deal. I have a new appreciation for the the wheelchair "pusher". You know how many times I've been to the airport and never even realized what a blessing the moving sidewalks were....

swift to hear

Often I write a quote or scripture on our kitchen chalkboard. This one currently holds the record for longest ever kept. I'm pretty sure the kids are ready for a new one. I'm not. Here's why. I'm hopeful that when this scripture is read... (I can feel my mind wandering off for a moment) A sudden miraculous change will sweep over each child and cause a change of heart to the point that they will NEVER feel wrath again. Snap out of it! O k, I'm back... That each child will, in someway, value what they've read. If not , that it 'll go into some holding zone deep into their brains and surface when they need it. When I read this particular scripture it had great value to me and I've tried to apply it.I've been a better listener lately and slower to speak. It has changed everything! I've observed that for the most part people do just the opposite. They are swift to speak and slow to hear. Mostly, people are swift to talk about themselves(They'...
I hope cupid is spreading a little love around your house today and always.


Mr. B.T.C. I could go out and buy you a gift but I like the way Valentine's Day originated. Through a letter, To a Valentine. So... I just wanted you to know that I love so many things about you. I love how your blue eyes look straight into mine when we talk. I love that, daily, we add to what we started with. I love bonding over problem solving. I love working together. I love the sharing. I love the negotiating. I love seeing you in each of our children. I love the way you father. I love your passion for life. I love your desire to help others. I love the way you cherish me. I love your integrity. I love that when I met YOU The world turned colors. The test of our relationship has been in the work. We started out as TWO partners and through the work we've become ONE. I've loved the process. I love you. To my VALENTINE. Love, peeegeee

pass along

Valentines Day evening can get pretty crowded which is why Mr. B.T.C. and I decided to beat the crowd and have our dinner Friday night. We tried a new (well, new to us. Its been around for awhile) place that was delicious! I'm passing on the information for locals because it was that good! House of Tricks 114 East 7th Street Tempe, Az I always love to try new places for our Friday night dates. If you have a favorite place that you think the food is remarkably good, please do share!

little bit of love

I've been doing a little decorating lately. More on that later. The kids have also been decorating and setting the mood for Valentines Day with a few notes to each other telling why they are so special every day of the year. I love that they are so close and can express their love so freely. I'm amazed at the nice things the kids say about each other. It makes my h e a r t swell. Oh by the way, Is there such a thing as a candy heart hangover? I think I've had too many.

Yep! it's cold here.

This is what I found in my neighbors front yard. It's a bit odd considering we live in Arizona. We've had unusually cold weather this week. This is the first time I can ever remember my kids getting out their winter attire(saved for our ski trips)to go to school.