SWEET LITTLE NOTE ... I went around the house collecting dirty clothes from each of the kids' bedrooms. When I walked into Nathan's room I saw this on his bed. It warms my heart to know that his little sister adores him. MORP ... Nathan got asked to MORP(50's theme) by this cute girl. Once Nathan unscrambled the letters and figured out who was asking him to the dance I explained that about 11 years prior this very girl used to carpool to kindergarten with us. Of course he didn't remember but I continued to explain that I had the early morning route. Kendall had a bit of kindergarten anxiety and cried almost every morning when it was time to be separated from her mother. I told him that he used to hold her hand and walk her to class for the first few weeks of school until she become comfortable with her new surroundings. BRITLEY DRAWS A SELF PORTRAIT ... I think she nailed it! DAWSON'S ART ... ...