Once upon a time, in a small town located in Arizona there lived three boys and two girls. Their momma loved them so very much that she found a wonderful piano teacher who would come right to their home and teach them piano every Tuesday night. Unfortunately there were times when the lovely piano teacher would have to see unnecessary drama created by the three boys and two girls. On a beautiful, breezy Tuesday afternoon during the month of April the mother of these five children could hear the gentle sound of piano fill the air and her heart swelled...she smiled all along the way as she finished her chores. Suddenly the gentle sound of piano was abruptly replaced with the horrific cries of her two girls which echoed through the backyard. The concerned mother apologized to the piano teacher for the interruption and rushed to the back door to check on her two girls. As the panicked mother swung open the back door she was greeted by two slumpy, red faced, teary eyed girls who seemed t...